Why Programmer Pack?
Coding for Kids
Coding is the most essential skill for children to thrive in today’s technology-driven world. At iCode Technologies, we aim to equip kids with the coding skills they need through exciting STEM courses and STEM products.

Programmable Drone for Kids
As technology continues to evolve, drones have become more accessible, and their capabilities have expanded beyond simple remote-controlled flying. In this section, we will introduce you to the concept of programmable drones for kids and highlight the benefits of combining drones with coding and programming skills.

Programmer Pack™
Welcome to the world of the iCode Technologies Programmer Pack™, a 4-in-1 STEM kit that empowers kids to unleash their creativity, solve problems, and dive into the exciting realm of computer science. This comprehensive kit combines the best of technology, including a DJI programmable drone, a Texas Instruments graphing calculator, a micro:bit microcontroller, and a one-of-a-kind iCode Technologies STEM challenge course.